-- card: 26655 from stack: in.11 -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 24322 -- name: -- part 2 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=411 top=21 right=59 bottom=443 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: New Button ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp visual effect wipe left go to previous card end mouseUp -- part 3 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=444 top=22 right=57 bottom=475 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: New Button ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp visual effect wipe right go to next card end mouseUp -- part 4 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A003 -- rect: left=362 top=30 right=48 bottom=407 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Print ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp doMenu "Print Card" end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Study Politicians' Voting Records -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- 2. LCV Voting Scores: States AK to MT -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- LCV's 1990 Environmental Scorecard summary: -- Score ---- AK ---- Dist --- 8 Stevens S R 17 Murkowski S R 0 Young 1 R -- Score ---- AL ---- Dist --- 17 Heflin S D 17 Shelby S D 25 Callahan 1 R 13 Dickinson 2 R 63 Browder 3 D 0 Bevill 4 D -- Cramer 5 D 75 Erdreich 6 D 50 Harris 7 D -- Score ---- AR ---- Dist --- 58 Bumpers S D 50 Pryor S D 25 Alexander 1 D -- Thornton 2 D 25 Hammerschmidt 3 R 75 Anthony,Jr. 4 D -- Score ---- AZ ---- Dist --- 42 DeConcini S D 33 McCain S R 13 Rhodes 1 R 63 Udall 2 D 13 Stump 3 R 25 Kyl 4 R 13 Kolbe 5 R -- Score ---- CA ---- Dist --- 83 Cranston S D -- Seymour S R 75 Bosco 1 D 0 Herger 2 R 63 Matsui 3 D 50 Fazio 4 D 88 Pelosi 5 D 88 Boxer 6 D 88 Miller 7 D 88 Dellums 8 D 88 Stark 9 D 88 Edwards 10 D 75 Lantos 11 D 100 Campbell 12 R 75 Mineta 13 D -- Doolittle 14 R 38 Condit 15 D 63 Panetta 16 D -- Dooley 17 D 63 Lehman 18 D 38 Lagomarsino 19 R 13 Thomas 20 R 38 Gallegly 21 R 13 Moorhead 22 R 88 Beilenson 23 D 88 Waxman 24 D 50 Roybal 25 D 63 Berman 26 D 88 Levine 27 D 63 Dixon 28 D -- Waters 29 D 63 Martinez 30 D 88 Dymally 31 D 50 Anderson 32 D 50 Dreier 33 R 88 Torres 34 D 0 Lewis 35 R 50 Brown,Jr. 36 D 13 McCandless 37 R 0 Dornan 38 R 25 Dannemeyer 39 R 50 Cox 40 R 13 Lowery 41 R 25 Rohrabacher 42 R 0 Packard 43 R -- Cunningham 44 R 0 Hunter 45 R -- Score ---- CO ---- Dist --- 63 Brown S R 92 Wirth S D 88 Schroeder 1 D 88 Skaggs 2 D 13 Campbell 3 D -- Allard 4 R 38 Hefley 5 R 25 Schaefer 6 R -- Score ---- CT ---- Dist --- 75 Dodd S D 92 Lieberman S D 88 Kennelly 1 D 100 Gejdenson 2 D -- DeLauro 3 D 100 Shays 4 R -- Franks 5 R 50 Johnson 6 R -- Score ---- DE ---- Dist --- 58 Roth,Jr. S R 83 Biden S D 75 Carper 1 D -- Score ---- FL ---- Dist --- 92 Graham S D 17 Mack S R 25 Hutto 1 D -- Peterson 2 D 88 Bennett 3 D 75 James 4 R 38 McCollum 5 R 63 Stearns 6 R 88 Gibbons 7 D 38 Young 8 R 63 Bilirakis 9 R 38 Ireland 10 R -- Bacchus 11 D 13 Lewis 12 R 63 Goss 13 R 100 Johnston 14 D 50 Shaw, Jr. 15 R 75 Smith 16 D 75 Lehman 17 D 88 Ros-Lehtinen 18 R 88 Fascell 19 D -- Score ---- GA ---- Dist --- 42 Nunn S D 67 Fowler,Jr. S D 50 Thomas 1 D 25 Hatcher 2 D 50 Ray 3 D 50 Jones 4 D 88 Lewis 5 D 13 Gingrich 6 R 50 Darden 7 D 50 Rowland 8 R 50 Jenkins 9 D 38 Barnard 10 D -- Score ---- HI ---- Dist --- 50 Inouye S D 75 Akaka S D -- Abercrombie 1 D -- Mink 2 D -- Score ---- IA ---- Dist --- 25 Grassley S R 83 Harkin S D 100 Leach 1 R -- Nussle 2 R 75 Nagle 3 D 25 Smith 4 D 13 Lightfoot 5 R 25 Grandy 6 R -- Score ---- ID ---- Dist --- 0 Craig S R 17 Symms S R -- LaRocco 1 D 25 Stallings 2 D -- Score ---- IL ---- Dist --- 42 Dixon S D 83 Simon S D 88 Hayes 1 D 75 Savage 2 D 100 Russo 3 D 88 Sangmeister 4 D 63 Lipinski 5 D 25 Hyde 6 R 88 Collins 7 D 63 Rostenkowski 8 D 88 Yates 9 D 75 Porter 10 R 63 Annunzio 11 D 50 Crane 12 R 63 Fawell 13 R 38 Hastert 14 R 13 Madigan 15 R -- Cox, Jr. 16 D 100 Evans 17 D 25 Michel 18 R 88 Bruce 19 D 63 Durbin 20 D 100 Costello 21 D 100 Poshard 22 D -- Score ---- IN ---- Dist --- 17 Lugar S R 33 Coats S R 75 Visclosky 1 D 88 Sharp 2 D -- Roemer 3 D 88 Long 4 D 100 Jontz 5 D 38 Burton 6 R 13 Myers 7 R 88 McCloskey 8 D 88 Hamilton 9 D 100 Jacobs 10 D -- Score ---- KS ---- Dist --- 25 Dole S R 25 Kassebaum S R 25 Roberts 1 R 100 Slattery 2 D 75 Meyers 3 R 100 Glickman 4 D -- Nichols 5 R -- Score ---- KY ---- Dist --- 17 Ford S D 17 McConnell S R 38 Hubbard 1 D 50 Natcher 2 D 75 Mazzoli 3 D 25 Bunning 4 R 13 Rogers 5 R 25 Hopkins 6 R 50 Perkins 7 D -- Score ---- LA ---- Dist --- 25 Johnston S D 25 Breaux S D 25 Livingston 1 R -- Jefferson 2 D 50 Tauzin 3 D 25 McCrery 4 R 50 Huckaby 5 D 13 Baker 6 R 38 Hayes 7 D 13 Holloway 8 R -- Score ---- MA ---- Dist --- 83 Kennedy S D 100 Kerry S D 75 Conte 1 R 88 Neal 2 D 75 Early 3 D 63 Frank 4 D 88 Atkins 5 D 63 Mavroules 6 D 88 Markey 7 D 88 Kennedy 8 D 75 Moakley 9 D 100 Studds 10 D 88 Donnelly 11 D -- Score ---- MD ---- Dist --- 92 Sarbanes S D 83 Mikulski S D -- Gilchrest 1 R 38 Bentley 2 R 88 Cardin 3 D 63 McMillen 4 D 75 Hoyer 5 D 50 Byron 6 D 88 Mfume 7 D 88 Morella 8 R -- Score ---- ME ---- Dist --- 92 Cohen S R 75 Mitchell S D -- Andrews 1 D 88 Snowe 2 R -- Score ---- MI ---- Dist --- 58 Riegle S D 50 Levin S D 75 Conyers 1 D 50 Pursell 2 R 100 Wolpe 3 D 50 Upton 4 R 75 Henry 5 R 63 Carr 6 D 100 Kildee 7 D 38 Traxler 8 D 38 Vander-Jagt 9 R -- Camp 10 R 63 Davis 11 R 75 Bonior 12 D -- Collins 13 D 100 Hertel 14 D 63 Ford 15 D 63 Dingell 16 D 63 Levin 17 D 50 Broomfield 18 R -- Score ---- MN ---- Dist --- 50 Durenberger S R -- Wellstone S D 75 Penny 1 D 50 Weber 2 R -- Ramstad 3 R 75 Vento 4 D 75 Sabo 5 D 100 Sikorski 6 D -- Peterson 7 D 75 Oberstar 8 D -- Score ---- MO ---- Dist --- 33 Danforth S R 8 Bond S R 63 Clay 1 D -- Horn 2 D 75 Gephardt 3 D 50 Skelton 4 D 88 Wheat 5 D 25 Coleman 6 R 25 Hancock 7 R 0 Emerson 8 R 50 Volkmer 9 D -- Score ---- MS ---- Dist --- 0 Cochran S R 0 Lott S R 38 Whitten 1 D 13 Espy 2 D 25 Montgomery 3 D 13 Parker 4 D 50 Taylor 5 D -- Score ---- MT ---- Dist --- 33 Baucus S D 17 Burns S R 50 Williams 1 D 0 Marlenee 2 R note: -- means no record available ***